Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 2

Journey to get here, complete. Adventure, just beginning!
Yesterday was a complete whirlwind of activity and acclamation. Everyone here is incredibly friendly; I must have heard Karibu (welcome) at least 20 times just yesterday.  As our driver Moses explained, Tanzanians are a very happy people. While our surroundings consist of dirt roads, and most children tread them with dusty bare feet, the people are the nicest I have ever met.

After a traditional lunch consisting of vegetables, lentils, rice and the most delicious bananas, some of us walked the 5K running path around camp.  It may have been 5 kilometers, but it certainly was nothing I expected to run on.  Hilly, rocky, dusty; it actually circled part of the mountain, not just our camp. However, the experience trumped the terrain. On our way, we met many kids who eagerly ran to us, grabbing our hands, wanting us to play soccer, and insisting that we take their picture.  So photogenic and adorable!  Around one turn we heard a little boy yelling JAMBO!! (hello) from somewhere nearby. Finally, we spotted the top of a tree about a 100 meters up the hillside!  The views were even more breathtaking than what we saw on the ride from the airport to camp.  Incredible panoramnic shots of cornfields, the valley, mountainside bandas, trees of every kind...for miles and miles. Besides the haze, we could see a rough outline of Kilimanjaro.

All of this in one day.  As welcoming as the people are, it goes without saying that I miss home and the comforts of my everyday world. But, for now, this is my everyday world.  It will definitely take some getting used to. One day at a time. However, I am already amazed at what we have seen and absolutely cannot wait for even more!


  1. This is Linda Vestal. Hannah and I were just sitting here looking at your blog. I wanted you to know who it was that was following you as "Muddy". Glad you started this blog to chronicle your adventures over there. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and sound in God's arms.

    Cannot wait to see what adventures unfold for you.

  2. Thank you for the good wishes. I really appreciate the support!
